

Getting Out Of Here!

   They came back on tuesday. Thankfully, they didn't notice anything was wrong but I'm still getting beaten almost every night. Tonight though, as soon as they're asleep, I am getting out of here. I have everything I need. I'll write ASAP, I promise.
   I know I said I was going to wait until after Hallowe'en but that isn't an option anymore. Melissa told one of my teachers and I have been living in terror that she's going to contact my mum and dad about it. So, I'm leaving tonight. I spent all day packing and unpacking and repacking my backpack, just to make sure. I don't think I'll need anything else and as soon as I reach the border, I should be safe.
   Thanks for reading. I hope you are always loved and protected. If you are, don't take it for granted; some people aren't as lucky!

May God Be With You

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