

Life At Home

Living at home gets diffficult for eveyone and I'm sure all of you have fallen out with parents at some time in your lives. Very few children experience abuse and neglect but the few that do know what a hard life is. Many, like me, try for years and years to find a solution. Finally, I have reached my decision: Running Away.

Now, I'm sure almost everyone reading this thnks I am just a stupid and immature child with nothing better to do than run away for fun, but a few of you will understand and I thank those few for taking the time to think and realise what I am dealing with. I pray that none of you will ever have to deal with this kind of thing but I think some of you must be already. There are lots of websites you can try if you are going through this, but none of the solutions have worked for me. They may work for you though. I'll include a list of websites in my next post.

From now on, I will keep this blog up to date about life at home and, if I succeed in running away, life on the run. Thank you all for taking the time to read this; may all of you lead a long and happy life.

May God Bless You All

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